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WooCommerce FAQ Plugin GPL v1.0.6 – Product FAQ Tab + Store FAQ Page


  • Unlimited Website Usage – Personal & Clients
  • Original GPL Product From the Developer
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  • Get Regular Updates For 1 Year
  • Last Updated – Feb5, 2023 @ 8:59 AM

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WooCommerce FAQ Plugin GPL Overview:

Install the WooCommerce FAQs Plugin to Show Relevant details about your product!

FAQs are essential to your landing page that clarify your customers’ confusion about your product. WooCommerce FAQ plugin enables you to display store FAQs on a separate page or product-related FAQs on product pages.

Your customers can also use an ask-a-question form to send new questions. The store admin can review the latest questions and enable them on the front end with a comprehensive answer.

New Feature Addition: Dedicated FAQs Page

With the WooCommerce FAQ plugin, you can minimize customer support tasks by providing answers to common questions on a product page. It facilitates the users to quickly review the product’s relevant FAQs and solve their queries or proceed to ask a question if their concerns are not clear.

Show additional information about the products. Try our WooCommerce Additional Information Plugin

WooCommerce FAQ Plugin GPL Features:

Creates a Dedicated FAQs Page on Your e-Store

The additional feature of a separate FAQs page allows you to answer general questions about your business except for product-specific queries. It helps your customers and potential buyers in addressing general inquiries. WooCommerce’s question plugin also allows you to create different categories for FAQs based on the nature of questions and allow users to rate your answers.

WooCommerce Ask a Question Settings:

Users often have a question to ask before they finalize placing an order. Put their common questions on the landing page to help them make the purchase decision.

Answer using WYSIWYG Editor

The WYSIWYG editor helps store admins to format the FAQs and add media to answer a specific problem.

View, Edit, Delete Product Questions

All the Questions on the landing pages can be managed from a central admin panel. You can view, edit, or delete them one by one or in a bulk action whenever you need.

Enable Ask a Question

Add an ask a question form by enabling it from the backend. It allows the users to inquire about product features, discount offers, or anything else that is not covered in the FAQs.

Ask a Question Form

WooCommerce FAQ plugin puts a simple Ask a question form that allows users to connect with you for product-relevant queries. It removes the hesitation to reach out to store admin.

Public/Private Questions

Users are given the choice to keep their questions private or make them public while asking the merchant. It gives them a reason to trust a website.

Configure Question Approval

The questions asked by users go pending by default. You can decide to approve and publish them instantly or keep them pending until you review them.

Allow Likes/Dislikes

Enable or disable the likes and dislikes option to let the users show the usefulness of answers according to their queries.

Setup Google Recaptcha

Enable Google Recaptcha by configuring the Recaptcha secret and site keys to prevent spam through the ask-a-question form.

Setting For Email Notifications

With WooCommerce ask a question plugin, you can notify the users through email when their question is answered. It prompts the users to read the answer and has the potential to make the user revisit the product page and place an order.

Enable/disable email notification

Enable or disable the sending of email notifications to the users upon answering their queries. By default, it is enabled.

Configure sender₹ email

Add an official email address of your business in the sender field to make the communication authentic.

Customize email subject

Customize the email subject in a way that looks professional so that users are encouraged to open your email. Compose a standard email, write the body content of the email once and it will be reached every user to whom you answer a question.

Compose a standard email

Write the body content of the email once and it will be reached to every user to whom you answer a question.

Settings for WooCommerce Product FAQs Block

Make use of different features to customize the FAQs’ block. It includes personalizing the title and configuring the number of questions to be displayed.

Block title

Personalize the Product Questions’ title to make it easier for the user to understand the purpose of this additional block on a product page.

Display selected number of questions

Select the number of questions you need to display on product pages. By default, ten questions are said to display.

Display Questions in My Account

Enter the number of questions you want to display in the My Account section of the users. The users get to know the questions they have asked along with their statuses.

Display Answers in My Account

You can also select the number of answers to display in the user’s accounts. It gives a quick view of the answers the user has received from the admin.

Sort product questions

WooCommerce asks a question plugin that allows users to sort product questions alphabetically, date, or most recently published. The sort options are;

Additional Features of WooCommerce FAQ Plugin

  • Approve or disapprove comments on the FAQs
  • Product Questions Pagination
  • Ajax-powered sort option
  • Responsive layout and design


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