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SupportCandy Reports Addon GPL v3.0.4


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  • Original GPL Product From the Developer
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  • Last Updated – Feb5, 2023 @ 8:59 AM

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SupportCandy Reports Addon GPL Overview:

Statistics and reports are an integral part of any business. It gives you a quick overview of how your business is performing on a timeline.

This addon includes the below reports:

1. Dashboard

The dashboard provides a quick overview of reports for a time period set in the settings. You do not want to show all the reports to the dashboard. You can set which reports should be there in the reports settings.

2. Ticket Statistics

As the name suggests, it shows reports about the number of tickets that arrived for the given duration.

3. First response time

First response time means the time taken by an agent to respond to a ticket for the first time after its arrival. This is an important report for you to understand how your agents are performing and how much average time customers getting the first response from your end.

4. Categories or any custom field which has options

Categories or any custom field which has options will have a separate report section. These reports are shown in horizontal bars so that it gets fit to whichever screen you are seeing it.

5. Ratings

This report belongs to another addon – Satisfaction Survey. As you can see in the above screenshot, it gives a good overview of customer satisfaction with the support they receive from you.

6. SLA

It gives a report about the number of tickets that have gone out of SLA for a given time period (Line chart as ticket statistics).

7. Active customers

This gives you the customer list ordered by the maximum number of tickets they have created.

If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to create a ticket on the support page.


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