Directorist BuddyPress Integration GPL Overview:
Directorist – BuddyPress Integration is a premium extension which makes Direcorist and BuddyPress work as a single integrated app, allowing you to build a hybrid listings directory and social network together. In this case, Direcorist will automatically start using the BuddyPress registration form to add new directory users to your BuddyPress network. The integration adds a Listings, Favorites, and Add Listing which users can use to submit listings.
Directorist – BuddyPress Integration blends Directorist plugin with BuddyPress which lets you use specific but crucial Directorist features within the BuddyPress plugin.The extension is very lightweight yet rocket-fast for directory business users that can be usable in the Buddypress-based community platform. Good thing is the extension that lets you add indefinite business listings on your community-based directory websites. You can run a full-fledged community with business listing capacity using the plugin.
BuddyPress Integration ensures a secured and reliable solution with an easy bonding between the Directorist and BuddyPress. You can create a healthy directory based on a community platform using some sparkling features like custom-made builder for serving directory listing purposes. In this case, you don’t have to rely on other tools to elevate your community site with a directory. Using the Directorist, you can do all that with ease. Basically, the integration allows you to create a community-based directory website exactly the way you want it.
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